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Deployment Web service 7.3 – SCCM Client Center support


With the release of version 7.3 of the Deployment Webservice (Download) a completely new part has been added, integrating some functions of Roger Zanders awesome SCCM Client Center Automation library for Deployment usage. This library enables you to execute certain SCCM Client related task directly on a client like forcing Software updates or refreshing the Machine Policy. The offered functions are mainly identical to the ones offered in the SCCM Client Center Integration Pack for Opalis. And as you can see, the available functions are not only interesting for plain deployments, they are also pretty useful in your day-to-day work and can e.g. be called from a minimized administrative FrontEnd for certain helpdesk Users, that shouldn’t deal with the complete SCCM Client Center.

The web service is currently offering the following functions:


Checks / Status information

CheckAdvertisementDownloading (Computername)
Check if an advertisement is currently downloading

CheckAdvertisementRunning (Computername)
Check if an advertisement is currently running

CheckAdvertisementRequiresReboot (Computername)
Check if an advertisement is pending a reboot

CheckMissingSecurityUpdates (Computername)
Check for missing authorized security patches

CheckWUARebootPending (Computername)
Check if a reboot is pending because of installed security patches

CheckFileRenamePending (ComputerName)
Check if file rename operations are pending


Execute actions

RunCertificateMaintenance (Computername)
Initiates a Certificate Maintenance task

RunCollectFiles (Computername)
Initiates a Software Inventory (Collect Files)

RunDCMScan (Computername)
Initiates a Desired Configuration Monitoring Scan

RunDeleteOrphanedCachedPackages (Computername)
Initiates a cleanup of all orphaned packages

RunDeleteAllCachedPackages (Computername)
Deletes all packages from cache

RunDeleteCachedUpdates (Computername)
Deletes all Updates from cache

RunHardwareInventory (Computername)
Initiates a Hardware Inventory (Delta Update)

RunFullHardwareInventory (Computername)
Initiates a Hardware Inventory (Full Update)

RunSoftwareInventory (Computername)
Initiates a Software Inventory (Delta Update)

RunFullSoftwareInventory (Computername)
Initiates a Software Inventory (Full Update)

RunHeartbeat (Computername)
Initiates a Data Discovery cycle

RunLocationRefresh (Computername)
Initiates a refresh of locations

RunMachinePolicy (Computername)
Initiates a Machine Policy and Evaluation cycle

RunUserPolicy (Computername)
Requests User Policy if a User is logged on

RunUserPolicyByName (Computername, Username)
Requests User Policy for the specified User

RunResetPolicy (Computername)
Initiates a cleanup of orphaned policies cycle

RunFullResetPolicy (Computername)
Initiates a Full reset of all SCCM Policies

RunMPRefresh (Computername)
Initiates a refresh of the Default Management Point

RunMSISourceUpdate (Computername)
Initiates a Windows Installer source update cycle

RunOOBDiscovery (Computername)
Initiates an Out of Band Discovery

RunResetPausedSoftwareDistributionFlag (Computername)
Resets the paused Software Distribution Flag

RunSoftwareMeteringReport (Computername)
Generates a Software Metering Report

RunTimeoutRequests (Computername)
Initiates Timeout Requests

RunUpdateScan (Computername)
Initiates a scan for missing software updates

RunUpdateDeployment (Computername)
Deploys authorized Software updates

RunCreateServiceWindow (Computername, StartDate, hourDuration)
Creates a new Service Window

RunDeleteServiceWindow (Computername, ServiceWindowGuid)
Deletes a Service Window


Get / Update Client information

GetAgentVersion (Computername)
Returns the Agent version of the Client

GetAssignedMP (Computername)
Returns the assigned MP of the Client

GetCachePath (Computername)
Returns the Cache Path of the Client

SetCachePath (Computername, CachePath)
Sets the cache Path for the Client

GetCacheSize (Computername)
Returns the Cache size of the Client

SetCacheSize (Computername, CacheSize)
Sets the cache size for the Client

GetClientID (Computername)
Returns the GUID of the Client

GetDNSSuffix (Computername)
Returns the DNS suffix of the Client

SetDNSSuffix (Computername, DNSSuffix)
Sets the DNS suffix of the client

GetHTTPPort (Computername)
Returns the HTTP port of the Client

SetHTTPPort (Computername, HTTPPort)
Sets the HTTP port of the Client

GetInternetMP (Computername)
Returns the Internet MP of the Client

SetInternetMP (Computername, InternetMP)
Sets the Internet MP of the Client

GetProxyMP (Computername)
Returns the proxy MP of the Client

GetMissingSecurityUpdates (Computername)
Returns a list of missing authorized security patches

GetSecurityUpdates (Computername)
Returns a list of authorized security patches including their current status

GetSiteCode (Computername)
Returns the SiteCode of the Client

SetSiteCode (Computername, SiteCode)
Sets the SiteCode of the Client

GetSLP (Computername)
Returns the SLP of the Client

SetSLP (Computername, SLP)
Sets the SLP of the Client


Thanks to Roger Zander for this awesome piece of work.


As described in a former Blog post, just download the newest version of the Deployment Web Service, configure it as described in the Installation Guide and open the page http://YourWebServer/Deployment/SMSCliCtrV2.asmx to see a complete list of functions including a short description and the possibility to test each individual function. The new security model described in the last blog post will also apply to the functions of this part.

As always, I really appreciate any feedback.

Original article: Deployment Web service 7.3 – SCCM Client Center support.

All original content Copyright @ 2008-2014 - Maik Koster

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